XSM Messages & Return Codes
Each message has a unique number, and a trailing letter which indicates what the program will do when it encounters that error.
- the letter I stands for 'Information' ; the corresponding messages are displayed if the '-v' (Verbose) switch is specified. The program goes ahead.
- the letter W stands for 'Warning' ; the corresponding messages are displayed unless the '-q' (Quiet) switch is specified. The program goes ahead.
- the letter E stands for 'Error' ; the corresponding messages are always displayed, and the program exits immediatly with a return code equal to the message number.
Retrieving return code:
- Windows users may use the return code via the
- UNIX and OPEN MVS users may naturally use the return code via the
XSM007E Cannot open Input file XXXXXXX.YYYYYY
XSM008E Insufficient Memory
XSM009E Insufficient Memory
XSM010E Insufficient Memory
XSM011E Insufficient Memory
XSM012E Insufficient Memory
XSM013E Insufficient Memory
XSM014E Insufficient Memory
XSM015E Insufficient Memory
XSM016E Insufficient Memory
XSM017E Insufficient Memory
XSM018E Insufficient Memory
XSM021E Insufficient Memory
XSM022E Insufficient Memory
XSM023E Cannot open Output File XXXXXXX.YYYYYY
XSM024E Cannot open Output File XXXXXXX.YYYYYY
XSM025E Cannot open workfile 'srtwppp.xxx'
XSM027I Initializing
XSM028I Reading
XSM029I Merging
XSM030I Writing
XSM048W The Very Verbose option gives poor performances ...
XSM049E Insufficient Memory
XSM052E Insufficient Memory
XSM053E I/O Error : incorrect length (nnnn1) on file XXXXXXX.YYYYYY, @ record nnn2
XSM056I HXSM VX.YY - (c) HHNS 19aa-20bb
XSM061E Too much input files for this Operating System
XSM063E The file XXXXXXX.YYYYYY is not sorted at record # nnn
XSM064I The file XXXXXXX.YYYYYY correctly sorted.
XSM065I verifying ...
XSM066E Out of space on device, file XXXXXXX.YYYYYY
XSM067E Incomplete or incorrect '-k' switch (KEY switch)
XSM068E merge option requires at least 2 input files
XSM069E Cannot open Input file XXXXXXX.YYYYYY
XSM071E internal error : EOF on Sortwrk nnn on First Rec !!!
XSM073I nnnnnnnnn1 RECORDS PROCESSED, nnnnnnnn2 so far : nnn3 SEC.
XSM074E internal error : tsize n1, 4*n n2
XSM075W Numeric fields : only for VFIELDS; option ignored
XSM076E VFIELD : Numeric fields only for text files (RECFM=V)
XSM078E Packed fields are not accepted for text files
XSM079W Y2K : no OPTION Y2START, default will start from 1970
XSM080E Y2K : 'xxxxxx' : not numeric !
XSM081W Y2K : field length is not = 2, option ignored
XSM082W Storage parameter was not given; it is set to nn MB. If too much paging, please retry with a smaller STORAGE parameter
XSM083E Nothing to do; input file(s) empty ???
XSM084W Storage is set to nnnn MB, nnn merge passes needed. It may take a while ...
XSM085I nnnnnnnn1 RECORDS MERGED, nnnnnnnn2 so far. : nn3 SEC.
XSM086E OPTION COPY : error ......
XSM088W incorrect length (nn1) on file XXXXXXX.YYYYYY, @ record nn2 - record truncated
XSM101E Missing trailing xXX @ record #nnnnnnn1 (larger than nn2 ???)
XSM102E Internal error [record format]
XSM103E Insufficient Memory
XSM104E I/O Error on input File XXXXXX.YYYY, code NNN
XSM105E Insufficient Memory
XSM106E Internal error on file 'XXXXXXXX.YYYYYY' : Bad Recfm X
XSM108E LineFeed (0x0A/0x25) missing in File 'XXXXXXXX.YYYYY' @record #NNN.
XSM109E Internal Error '.......' on File 'XXXXXXXX.YYYYYY' : must be opened BUFFERED.
XSM113E Internal error, Recfm F, blk len NNN
XSM114E Internal error, Recfm F, blk len NNN
XSM115E Missing or Invalid LRECL parameter for file 'XXXXXXXXX.YYYYYY', lrecl=NNN
XSM116E Internal error, Recfm F, rdblk-c, rc NNN
XSM117E Sorry, file 'XXXXXXXX.YYYYY' larger than nnn GB, not supported for this Operating System.
XSM118E Internal error on 'XXXXXXXX.YYYYYYY : '..........'
XSM119E File 'XXXXXXXX.YYYYY' cannot be open as Fixed with reclen=nnnn
XSM120E I/O Error on output File 'XXXXXXXXX.YYYYYY', code NN (Disk Full ?)
Explanation :
Bad or Missing keyword 'RECFM=' in 'RECORD' statement
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 1.
User action :
Correct this parameter and resubmit then Job.
Explanation :
Bad or Missing keyword 'LRECL=' in 'RECORD' statement
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 2.
User action :
Correct this parameter and resubmit then Job.
Explanation :
Error in keyword 'FIELDS=' in 'SORT' statement, the start subparamter must be numeric and less then lrecl
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 3.
User action :
Correct this parameter and resubmit then Job.
Explanation :
Error in keyword 'FIELDS=' in 'SORT' statement, the length subparamter must be numeric and less than lrecl
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 4.
User action :
Correct this parameter and resubmit then Job.
Explanation :
Error in keyword 'FIELDS=' in 'SORT' statement, the Direction subparamter must 'A' or 'D'
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 5.
User action :
Correct this parameter and resubmit then Job.
Explanation :
Error in 'STORAGE' statement, the amount of Memory must be numeric, followed by the letter K/M/G (i.e. 70M)
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 6.
User action :
Correct this parameter and resubmit then Job.
XSM007E Cannot open Input file XXXXXXX.YYYYYY
Explanation :
A non existing file was submitted as input to the sort
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 7.
User action :
Correct input file list and resubmit then Job.
Explanation :
Storage Allocation was refused by the Operating System.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 8.
User action :
Try a 'STORAGE' parameter with a lower amount and resubmit then Job. If the problem persists, please contact HHNS.
Explanation :
Storage Allocation was refused by the Operating System.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 9.
User action :
Try a 'STORAGE' parameter with a lower amount and resubmit then Job. If the problem persists, please contact HHNS.
Explanation :
Storage Allocation was refused by the Operating System.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 10.
User action :
Try a 'STORAGE' parameter with a lower amount and resubmit then Job. If the problem persists, please contact HHNS.
Explanation :
Storage Allocation was refused by the Operating System.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 11.
User action :
Try a 'STORAGE' parameter with a lower amount and resubmit then Job. If the problem persists, please contact HHNS.
Explanation :
Storage Allocation was refused by the Operating System.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 12.
User action :
Try a 'STORAGE' parameter with a lower amount and resubmit then Job. If the problem persists, please contact HHNS.
Explanation :
Storage Allocation was refused by the Operating System.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 13.
User action :
Try a 'STORAGE' parameter with a lower amount and resubmit then Job. If the problem persists, please contact HHNS.
Explanation :
Storage Allocation was refused by the Operating System.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 14.
User action :
Try a 'STORAGE' parameter with a lower amount and resubmit then Job. If the problem persists, please contact HHNS.
Explanation :
Storage Allocation was refused by the Operating System.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 15.
User action :
Try a 'STORAGE' parameter with a lower amount and resubmit then Job. If the problem persists, please contact HHNS.
Explanation :
Storage Allocation was refused by the Operating System.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 16.
User action :
Try a 'STORAGE' parameter with a lower amount and resubmit then Job. If the problem persists, please contact HHNS.
Explanation :
Storage Allocation was refused by the Operating System.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 17.
User action :
Try a 'STORAGE' parameter with a lower amount and resubmit then Job. If the problem persists, please contact HHNS.
Explanation :
Storage Allocation was refused by the Operating System.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 18.
User action :
Try a 'STORAGE' parameter with a lower amount and resubmit then Job. If the problem persists, please contact HHNS.
Explanation :
Storage Allocation was refused by the Operating System.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 21.
User action :
Try a 'STORAGE' parameter with a lower amount and resubmit then Job. If the problem persists, please contact HHNS.
Explanation :
Storage Allocation was refused by the Operating System.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 22.
User action :
Try a 'STORAGE' parameter with a lower amount and resubmit then Job. If the problem persists, please contact HHNS.
XSM023E Cannot open Output File XXXXXXX.YYYYYY
Explanation :
Output file XXXXXXX.YYYY could not be opened for output; Reasons may be : non existing, non operational drive, insuffisant access rights ...
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 23.
User action :
Check your output parameter and the userid's access rights; resubmit the Job.
XSM024E Cannot open Output File XXXXXXX.YYYYYY
Explanation :
Output file XXXXXXX.YYYY could not be opened for output; Reasons may be : non existing, non operational drive, insuffisant access rights ...
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 24.
User action :
Check your output parameter and the userid's access rights; resubmit the Job.
XSM025E Cannot open workfile 'srtwppp.xxx'
Explanation :
Workfile #xxx could not be opened for output; Reasons may be : non existing 'SORTWORK' directory, non operational drive, insuffisant access rights ...
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 25.
User action :
Check your 'SORTWORK' parameters (default : current directory) and the userid's access rights; resubmit the Job.
Explanation :
For info only; program is initalizing.
Explanation :
For info only; program is reading the input file(s).
Explanation :
For info only; program begins to merge the sortwork files.
Explanation :
For info only; program begins to write onto the output file.
Explanation :
For info only; the job is terminated, duration was nn seconds.
Explanation :
An unknown parameter in the parameter file.
Program action :
Program continues.
User action :
Correct or delete this parameter for the next time.
Explanation :
For info only: nnnnnnn1 records were written in nn2 seconds.
XSM048W The Very Verbose option gives poor performances ...
Explanation :
the program was launched with the '-vv' switch; this may give a lots of messages.
Explanation :
Storage Allocation was refused by the Operating System.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 49.
User action :
Try a 'STORAGE' parameter with a lower amount and resubmit then Job. If the problem persists, please contact HHNS.
Explanation :
the maximum number of work directories has been reached.
Program action :
the program ignores the remaining directories and continues.
User action :
Lower the SORTWORK list for the next time.
Explanation :
During Initialization, an incorrect INCLUDE/EXCLUDE/OMIT parameter was found.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 51.
User action :
Correct the statement, and resubmit the Job.
Explanation :
Storage Allocation was refused by the Operating System.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 52.
User action :
Try a 'STORAGE' parameter with a lower amount and resubmit then Job. If the problem persists, please contact HHNS.
XSM053E I/O Error : incorrect length (nnnn1) on file XXXXXXX.YYYYYY, @ record nnn2
Explanation :
The record #nnn2 was read from file XXXXXX.YYYYY and its length is greater then the LRECL subparameter.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 53.
User action :
Correct the LRECL subparameter in the 'RECORD' parameter, and resubmit the Job.
Explanation :
Two or more 'RECORD' statements were found in the parameter file
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 54.
User action :
Correct the parameter file and resubmit the Job.
Explanation :
During Initalization, the maximum total key length (nnn2) has been exceeded.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 55.
User action :
Lower the number of sort keys, or shorten their length, then resubmit the Job.
XSM056I HXSM VX.YY - (c) HHNS 19aa-20bb
Explanation :
For info Only; gives the program version
Explanation :
For info only; this message is displayed every 10 seconds during then final phase.
XSM061E Too much input files for this Operating System
Explanation :
The maximum number of input files (merge operation), or work files (merge pass), has been exceeded.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 61.
User action :
If in a MERGE merge, lower the number of input files; for a SORT operation, try a larger STORAGE parameter; then resubmit the Job.
XSM063E The file XXXXXXX.YYYYYY is not sorted at record # nnn
Explanation :
During a MERGE operation, the record #nnn on file XXXXXXXX.YYYYYY was disordered regarding the merge keys.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 63.
User action :
Check the merge keys, or resort this input file with the same keys; then resubmit then job.
XSM064I The file XXXXXXX.YYYYYY correctly sorted.
Explanation :
For info only; A CHECK operation (-c switch) has succesfully completed.
Explanation :
For info only; A CHECK operation (-c switch) is in progress.
XSM066E Out of space on device, file XXXXXXX.YYYYYY
Explanation :
No space left for file XXXXXXX.YYYYYYY
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 66.
User action :
if the file name is 'srtwppp.xxxx', then find room for work files (SORTWORK parameter); else check space for your output file; then resubmit the Job.
XSM067E Incomplete or incorrect '-k' switch (KEY switch)
Explanation :
the -k command line switch was incomplete or incorrect.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 67.
User action :
Re-enter then command with a correct -k switch ('-kstart,len,dir')
XSM068E merge option requires at least 2 input files
Explanation :
A MERGE operation was submitted with only one input file
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 68.
User action :
Resubmit the job with two or more input files.
XSM069E Cannot open Input file XXXXXXX.YYYYYY
Explanation :
Dunring a SORT or Merge operation, then file XXXXXXXXX.YYYYYYY could not be opened as input.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 69.
User action :
Check the existence of th file, and its access rights, then resubmit the Job.
XSM071E internal error : EOF on Sortwrk nnn on First Rec !!!
Explanation :
Internal Error
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 71.
User action :
Please contact HHNS, if possible with the parameter file and the input file(s).
XSM073I nnnnnnnnn1 RECORDS PROCESSED, nnnnnnnn2 so far : nnn3 SEC.
Explanation :
For info only; nnnnnn1 records were read and sorted (to a workfile) in nnn3 seconds. A total of nnnnnnn2 records were processed so far.
XSM074E internal error : tsize n1, 4*n n2
Explanation :
Internal error.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 74.
User action :
Please contact HHNS, if possible with the parameter file and the input file(s).
XSM075W Numeric fields : only for VFIELDS; option ignored
Explanation :
A ',N' data type was found in a 'FIELDS=' subparameter.
Program action :
The program substitutes a 'C,' data type and continues.
User action :
Correct for the next time.
XSM076E VFIELD : Numeric fields only for text files (RECFM=V)
Explanation :
During initialization, a VFIELD 'N,' data typ esubparameter was found for a RECFM=F file.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 76.
User action :
Correct and resubmit the Job.
XSM078E Packed fields are not accepted for text files
Explanation :
During initialization, a FIELD 'P,' data type subparameter was found for a RECFM=V/T file.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 78.
User action :
Packed fields are for Fixed files only. Correct then parameters and resubmit the Job.
XSM079W Y2K : no OPTION Y2START, default will start from 1970
Explanation :
During initialization, a FIELD 'Y,' data type subparameter was found, without option 'Y2START=19nn'
Program action :
The program takes '1970' as the starting year for its 'Y2K' interpretation, and continues.
User action :
Check if it is the right starting year, and correct for the nex time.
XSM080E Y2K : 'xxxxxx' : not numeric !
Explanation :
During initialization, the option value of 'Y2START=' is not '19nn'
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 79.
User action :
correct the option and resubmit the Job.
XSM081W Y2K : field length is not = 2, option ignored
Explanation :
During initialization, a FIELD 'Y,' data type subparameter was found, whose length is not equal to 2.
Program action :
Interpretation of 'Y2K' will not occur, the program continues.
User action :
Correct for the next time.
XSM082W Storage parameter was not given; it is set to nn MB. If too much paging, please retry with a smaller STORAGE parameter
Explanation :
The size of all input files is so large that nn MB of storage will be allocated. It may exceed the Operating System reasonnable range.
Program action :
The program continues.
User action :
For the next time, if too much paging, try to adjust with a smaller STORAGE parameter.
XSM083E Nothing to do; input file(s) empty ???
Explanation :
The total input size is 0 : all input files are empty.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 83.
User action :
Have better luck next time ...
XSM084W Storage is set to nnnn MB, nnn merge passes needed. It may take a while ...
Explanation :
The size of all input files is so large that more than 1 merge pass will be needed.
Program action :
The program continues.
User action :
For the next time, if too long, try to adjust with a larger STORAGE parameter.
XSM085I nnnnnnnn1 RECORDS MERGED, nnnnnnnn2 so far. : nn3 SEC.
Explanation :
For info only; nnnnnn1 records were merges in nn3 seconds. Total so far is nnnnnn2 records.
XSM086E OPTION COPY : error ......
Explanation :
Incorrect parameter given for the 'COPY' options.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 86.
User action :
Correct the parameters and resubmit the Job.
Explanation :
During initialization, an incorrect keyword or keyword value was found in the 'OPTION' statement.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 87.
User action :
Correct the statement and resubmit the job.
XSM088W incorrect length (nn1) on file XXXXXXX.YYYYYY, @ record nn2 - record truncated
Explanation :
The nn2'th input record has a length which exceeds the 'LRECL=' subparameter, and the IOERROR IGNORE option was specified.
Program action :
The program truncs the record to the 'LRECL=' value and continues.
User action :
Check the record, and (may be) give a larger 'LRECL' value for the next time.
XSM101E Missing trailing xXX @ record #nnnnnnn1 (larger than nn2 ???)
Explanation :
The nnnnn1'th input record has a length which exceeds the 'LRECL=nn2' subparameter, and the IOERROR IGNORE option was not specified.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 101.
User action :
Check the record, (may be) give a larger 'LRECL', and resubmit the job.
XSM102E Internal error [record format]
Explanation :
Internal error. .
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 102.
User action :
Please contact HHNS, if possible with the parameter file and the input file(s).
Explanation :
Storage Allocation was refused by the Operating System.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 103.
User action :
Try a 'STORAGE' parameter with a lower amount and resubmit then Job. If the problem persists, please contact HHNS.
XSM104E I/O Error on input File XXXXXX.YYYY, code NNN
Explanation :
A system error occured during a read operation on file XXXXXX.YYYY; the system error is NNN
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 104.
User action :
Please contact HHNS, if possible with the parameter file and the input file(s).
Explanation :
Storage Allocation was refused by the Operating System.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 105.
User action :
Try a 'STORAGE' parameter with a lower amount and resubmit then Job. If the problem persists, please contact HHNS.
XSM106E Internal error on file 'XXXXXXXX.YYYYYY' : Bad Recfm X
Explanation :
Internal error. .
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 106.
User action :
Please contact HHNS, if possible with the parameter file and the input file(s).
XSM108E LineFeed (0x0A/0x25) missing in File 'XXXXXXXX.YYYYY' @record #NNN.
Explanation :
The nnn'th input record has a length which exceeds the 'LRECL=' subparameter, and the IOERROR IGNORE option was NOT specified.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 106.
User action :
Check the record, (may be) give a larger 'LRECL', and resubmit the job.
XSM109E Internal Error '.......' on File 'XXXXXXXX.YYYYYY' : must be opened BUFFERED.
Explanation :
Internal error. .
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 109.
User action :
Please contact HHNS, if possible with the parameter file and the input file(s).
XSM113E Internal error, Recfm F, blk len NNN
Explanation :
Internal error. .
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 113.
User action :
Please contact HHNS, if possible with the parameter file and the input file(s).
XSM114E Internal error, Recfm F, blk len NNN
Explanation :
Internal error. .
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 114.
User action :
Please contact HHNS, if possible with the parameter file and the input file(s).
XSM115E Missing or Invalid LRECL parameter for file 'XXXXXXXXX.YYYYYY', lrecl=NNN
Explanation :
Bad or Missing keyword 'LRECL=' in 'RECORD' statement for file XXXXXXX.YYYYY
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 115.
User action :
Correct this parameter and resubmit then Job.
XSM116E Internal error, Recfm F, rdblk-c, rc NNN
Explanation :
Internal error. .
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 116.
User action :
Please contact HHNS, if possible with the parameter file and the input file(s).
XSM117E Sorry, file 'XXXXXXXX.YYYYY' larger than nnn GB, not supported for this Operating System.
Explanation :
Files larger than nnn GBytes are not processed by this version of XSM.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 117.
User action :
Please contact HHNS, with the XSM version.
XSM118E Internal error on 'XXXXXXXX.YYYYYYY : '..........'
Explanation :
Internal error.
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 118.
User action :
Please contact HHNS, if possible with the parameter file and the input file(s).
XSM119E File 'XXXXXXXX.YYYYY' cannot be open as Fixed with reclen=nnnn
Explanation :
The program has openend an input Fixed length file, whose size is NOT a multiple of the record length (LRECL=nnnn).
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 119.
User action :
Check the file size and the 'LRECL=' in the RECORD parameter, then resubmit the Job.
XSM120E I/O Error on output File 'XXXXXXXXX.YYYYYY', code NN (Disk Full ?)
Explanation :
During a write operation onto file 'XXXXXXX.YYYYY', an I/O error occured with system code = NNN (mostly, disk full).
Program action :
The program exits immediatly with return code 120.
User action :
if the file name is 'srtwppp.xxxx', then find room for work files (SORTWORK parameter); else check space for your output file; then resubmit the Job.
For any question, contact us.